The haunted doge

2014 march 5th

so i was bored and i had no pets cause i threw my hampster out the window so i decided to get a shiba since it comes with my favorite meme doge. i went to the pet store at 3 am (3 pm) and they had a shiba and it looked SUPER SCARY with its big cute eyes so it cuted me to death so it like forced me to buy it by its eyes so i did

2014 march 5th 4 pm

i brough the shiba home and named it doge but i noticed it didn't blink once and i notice the eyes got 1 inch biger. it somehow turned kinda creepy and it followed me everywhere with the same face it was starting to creep me out alot.
i flashed my hand around it but it didn't even took a peek off my eyes. i went to bed and it started making strange laughing noices that sounded like a demon. i turned on the lights and the shiba was in the hallway looking at me with what looks like BLOOD on it. i put it outside and went to bed and i woke up at 3:00 AM and i heard the laughing again so i turned on the lights to find a dead racoon on my bed with the shiba on the exact same spot on the hallway.
i screamed and the shibas eyes were BIGGER!!!!. i then saw blood on the shiba but even more so i put it outside to find everything destroyed and 666 was written on the wall. i screamed and fainted.

2014 march 27th morning 12:00 am

i woke up in the hospital and they said i have been in 3 week coma. they said i had several bone damages. and i said anything paranormal did you see the shiba?
the doc said there was no shiba in that house at and it looked perfect and nothing broken.

at home

i went home to find a kidney and the shiba laying down and not looking at me and looking normal. i was very suprised and went on the computer.
i had a email and it said this

=warning jack ____ i know you have a pet and its very dangerouse and it can leave you in comas,kidney failure and more the shiba is a demon thats trying to trick you by its cuteness and if you got it you can't get rid of it even by killing it its a immortal demon. you have 3 days to live!!!!=

i was shocked by the email and how did this person know my whole name. i turned and the shiba had the same face and its eyes glowed red and killed me.
now i'm just a soul that possesed some body that was dead and written this.